Watering Your Lawn Effectively
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Green ThumbLawns suffer troubles just like every other part of your home. The damage can be caused from a variety of different factors, including weather conditions, overwatering, or lack of fertilizer. If your lawn is suffering from severe damage, you can contact a professional lawn care service that can help you restore your lawn to its former health and beauty. There are a number of different steps you can take yourself to help your lawn return to its former state as well. Use these tips for any future problems you may have with your lawn.

Diagnose the Problem

The first step to any repair project is to determine what exactly is going on. Find out what is causing the problem, no matter what it is, and work to discover the best methods for fixing that problem. If you misdiagnose the issue, treatments could end up being a waste of time.

Don’t be Afraid to Start Over

Depending on the severity of the problem, it may be better for you to simply start over with the entire lawn. Spray everything with herbicide that will kill all of the vegetation but allow you to start over at a more rapid pace.


After you have applied the herbicide, you will want to mow the lawn as short as you can. The low mowing leaves your lawn with short, dead leaves that will prevent erosion and keep the dead plants from shading the new lawn too much. Without that extra shade, your new lawn will have more time to grow.


Find a power rake at your local hardware store and rake the area you need to repair until you see an equal amount of bare soil and dead grass stems. Rake off the debris from the cutting and put it in the compost bin. After you are finished, you will want to spread a thin layer of compost over the soil. Make sure this is applied evenly.

Seed the Lawn

Now your soil is ready for a new beginning. Seed the lawn by following all directions as best you can. Determine the best amount of seed to use. After planting everything evenly, make sure you water the new lawn well so it can get all of the moisture it needs to thrive. Feed it with a recommended fertilizer and, when it gets long and thick enough, begin to mow it regularly to keep it healthy and strong.

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